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Water Lab

Specialist Water Laboratory resources at your service

In our specialised water laboratory, we offer effective solutions for the treatment of your drinking water or wastewater plants. Our team of researchers and technicians use the most advanced technologies to help you find the optimum solution for your water treatment needs.


Our services include:

  • Specific studies, analysis and testing at lab scale 
  • Customer process auditing: on-site investigations and 
  • Characterisation of water samples
  • Simulation tools for aeration with O₂ and pH neutralisation 
    with CO₂
  • Feasibility validations through laboratory testing 
  • Design and construction of pilot-scale demonstration plants
  • Training, advice and technical assistance on the best water 
    treatment technologies 
  • Promotion and implementation of research, innovation and 
    technology transfer projects related to water treatment 

Need support with your wastewater plant?

The Water Lab is equipped with all the latest technology, equipment and materials at your service.