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Gas Detection

Experis® gas mixtures for calibrating and function testing gas detection equipment

The periodic function, or bump testing, and calibration of gas detection equipment is critical to workforce safety and plant protection. Air Products’ Experis® range of specialty gases deliver certified, traceable, and stable mixtures in a wide range of package options to support this application.

The most popular choice is the non-refillable, or disposable canister, favoured for its ease of use and portability. Canisters enable tests to be carried out in the field as well as in the workshop.

The Experis® range of gases incorporates all the most commonly used calibration gas mixtures.
Download Experis® Mixtures for Function Testing and Calibration of Gas Detectors brochure

​Need more help?

​Ask us for advice on test gas mixture selection and the best gas control equipment to use for your detection equipment.


Ask the Expert

Hannah Gilmore

Business Development Specialist

“How many tests can be performed using each canister?”
The instrument manufacturer normally states the gas flow rate required in their operating procedures. Air Products' largest canisters hold approximately 110 litres, so an instrument with a response time of 10 seconds using a fixed flow of gas of 1.0 lpm might be tested several hundred times using the 110L canister.


Periodic testing of portable gas detection equipment is an important element of any safety system designed to detect hazardous gases.

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Air Products gases, typically provided in gaseous and liquid form, enable customers in a wide range of industries to improve their environmental performance, product quality, and productivity.


Compressed argon gas and liquid argon in a variety of purities and in various modes of supply around the world thanks to our network of storage and transfill facilities.


Useful as a gas, for its inert properties, and as a liquid for cooling and freezing. Virtually any industry can benefit from its unique properties to improve yields, optimise performance and make operations safer.

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